About us

Shell Energy Singapore is part of the global network of Shell Trading, one of the largest energy trading operations in the world. Since 2013, we have been an importer of LNG into Singapore responsible for supplying a quarter of Singapore’s natural gas needs.

In 2018, the Singapore government issued two exclusive LNG import licenses – one of which was granted to Shell enabling us to continue playing a role in meeting Singapore’s energy needs.

Our offer

Backed by Shell’s large and diversified portfolio of equity gas and LNG contracts, Shell Energy Singapore offers reliable and competitive energy solutions with a primary focus on gas. As our foothold in Singapore grows, we are expanding our range of products and services to include integrated energy solutions such as power and environmental products.

Contact us

If you have any enquiry, please email enquiries-ses@shell.com. We look forward to discussing how we can support you in your energy requirements or energy transition needs.


Natural gas

We are helping to power lives around the world with natural gas, the cleanest-burning hydrocarbon.

LNG for transport

Liquefied natural gas can be a cost-competitive and cleaner fuel for heavy-duty road transport, shipping and industrial users. 

Shell LNG Outlook 2019

Strong demand for cleaner-burning fuel in Asia continued to drive rapid growth in liquefied natural gas (LNG) use in 2018, with global demand rising by 27 million tonnes to 319 million tonnes, according to Shell's latest LNG Outlook. Find out more.

Shell Energy for business

We provide more and cleaner energy solutions across a global portfolio of gas, power and environmental products